Скины Aglare FHD by MNASR

Aglare FHD v1.0

The supported images:
1- OpenATV 7.3 , OpenATV 7.4
2- Egami 10.4 , Egami 10.5
3- PureE2 7.3
4- OpenSPA 8.3

The skin depends on the new GUI features of oe-alliance .

There are 2 packages in dependencies :
oaweather plugin
bitrate plugin

Installation steps :

1- put IPK file in tmp folder
2- use this command in telnet
opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.IPK

using ajpanel and choose the IPK file and " install package (force overwrite) "

Thanks to Lululla for his great work to improve PosterX render
Thanks to madhouse for his great support


Aglare FHD v1.1

* Удаление некоторых ненужных файлов.
* Исправлены некоторые экраны.
* Изменены все файлы рендереров и конвертеров на «Aglarexxxxxx».
*по-прежнему поддерживается только 4 имиджа

Openatv 7.3 , 7.4
Egami 10.4 , 10.5
Pure2 7.3
OpenSPA 8.3

* По-прежнему поддерживается только PosterX, спасибо Лулулле за его огромную работу по улучшению средства рендеринга PosterX.


Aglare FHD for OpenPLi v1.0

The skin is compatible with openpli and images that depend on pli core .
The skin depends on old weather plugin that is included in the skin and bitrate plugin that will be downloaded from image feed .
The skin depends on PosterX " old version "
The skin uses some new features of openpli GUI , thanks DimitarCC




Aglare FHD v1.2 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

* The skin is compatible with oe-alliance images that use the new features of GUI .
* Fix some screens .
* Fix some issues like overlapped cam name if levi45 cam manager is installed .
* The skin still depends on PosterX , but in this version I returned back to an old version of PosterX , I assumed that it is more faster " no much loading when call a screen "
* Change logo for OpenSPA.


Aglare FHD for OpenPLi v1.1

*Исправлено множество важных экранов.
*Панель шифрования на первой информационной панели.
* Добавлена погода в первую информационную панель и погоду на 4 дня во вторую информационную панель.


Aglare FHD for OpenPLi v1.2

*Fix some screens and adjust some parameters.
*Use renderer PosterX @ Lululla , now more accurate and faster loading of multiposters screen.
*Add more screens for OBH .


Aglare FHD v1.3 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

*Удалены некоторые ненужные файлы.
*Улучшены некоторые параметры.
* Используется модифицированный рендерер PosterX от @Lullua.
*Исправлены некоторые экраны.

Поддерживаемые имиджы:

Openatv 7.3 , 7.4
OpenSPA 8.3
Pure2 7.3
Egami 10.4 , 10.5


Aglare FHD v1.4 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

*fix some screens
*fix weather display
*add screens for Foreca and cccam info .
*fix bitrate display .
*increase font size a bit on some screens .
*add PRO version .

ipk file about 5 mb

*Supported images :

openatv 7.3 , 7.4
pure2 7.3
egami 10.4 , 10.5
openspa 8.3



Aglare FHD for OpenPLi v1.3

*Use no poster background, thanks to Lululla
*Use modified PosterX renderer thanks to Lululla
*Change signal bar to yellow .
*Change virtual keyboard screen
*Add screens for Foreca plugin .
*Fix some other screens.
*Add logo for Nonsolosat image
Supported images :
Openpli 9, Openpli develop


Aglare FHD v1.6 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

*Fix normal install in OpenSPA
*Change virtual keyboard screen
*Correct some codes in postinst script .
*Correct 4 posters channel selection screen .
*Add no poster background thanks to Lululla
*Use modified PosterX renderer, thanks to Lululla


Aglare FHD v2.0 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

* Add Aglare Setup plugin to customize the skin options , thanks to the original author .
* Add " Brown color , extra 3 fonts , big mini tv in channel selection "
* Fix some screens according to members recommendations .
* Delete Atilehd tool as no longer needed .
* Add some screens provided by Lululla , thanks to him .
* Poster option depends on PosterX modified by Lululla and Xtraevent by
KiddaC and modified version 6.4 modified by kitte888
* The default setup of the skin is the original colour , font and no poster screens .

The supported images are :

Openatv 7.3 , 7.4 and 7.5
Egami 10.4 and 10.5
Pure2 7.3
OpenSPA 8.3



Aglare FHD for OpenPLi 2.0

Supported images :
*Openpli develop, openpli 9


Aglare FHD for OpenPLi 2.1
* Fix some screens
* Add support to openvix image .
* Try to prevent overlap in weather display in second infobar.
* Fix display SNR in db instead of % according to usage settings.
* Fix IPK package.

Supported images :
*Openpli develop, openpli 9

Aglare FHD v2.1 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

* Fix some screens
* Fix display SNR in db instead of % according to usage settings.
* Try to prevent overlap in weather information in second infobar .

Supported images:
Openatv 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.5
Egami 10.4 , 10.5
Pure2 7.3
OpenSPA 8.3


Aglare FHD v2.2 Openatv, OpenSPA, Egami, PureE2.

* add another colors " black , green , magneta "
* add screen preview for customization options . thanks to Lululla
* fix lost infobar if no connection . thanks to madhouse
* fix errors of the previous version .

supporetd images :
openatv 7.3 , 7.4 , 7,5
egami 10.4 , 10.5
pure2 7.3
openspa 8.3


Aglare FHD for OpenPLi 2.2

*Add more 3 colours " black , green , magenta "
* Add screens preview in setup aglare , thanks Lululla
* Fix lost infobar if no internet connection , thanks madhouse
* Fix some screens.

Supported images:
Openpli develop, Openpli 9


New update
Aglare FHD 2.3

* Add Blue and red colours.
* Add support to Pure2 7.4
* Fix channel list screen " big mini tv "
* Reducing IPK file size .


New update
Aglare FHD PLI 2.3 for OpenPLi

*Add another colours " blue and red "
*Add Backdrop to event view screen , thanks to Lululla
*Fix some screens.
*Reduce IPK file size .

Supported images:
Openpli develop, Openpli 9


New Update
Aglare FHD 2.4
*a lot of fixes


New Update
Aglare-FHD-PLI 2.4

* modify blue color .
* add files for NSS image , thanks to Lululla
* alot of fixes .

Supported images :
Openpli develop , openpli 9


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