Плагины e2m3u2bouquet MOD Dorik1972



1) Changes have been made to the m3u playlist parser. Added processing of "nonsense" in the form of escaped HTML/XML characters that are sometimes found in the names of groups and channels in playlists. This change was made at the request of the user who provided an example of such a playlist. Most likely, he is not the only one, and such “absurdities” are a common occurrence among playlists from Europe with 200+ groups and 600,000+ channels
2) Added plugin logo output when used on an LCD instead of the standard “text information” of basic image skins
3) Minor adjustments to menu translations for UA and RU locales

thanks Dorik1972




1) Corrections in RU locale
2) Fixed getting the iso691 language code dictionary
3) Minor improvements to speed up the EPG import process on DreamOS-based images

thanks Dorik1972




1) Fixed not displaying groups from the playlist for selecting them after deleting/adding groups from/to the playlist by the provider (No groups found error). Thank you, jeepcook, for finding the bug and testing it.
2) Refreshed GE locale. Thanks to giorbak for the translation.

thanks Dorik1972





1) The algorithm for parsing m3u playlists has been rewritten for speedup and lower RAM consumption. Now the plugin works great on "ancient" devices with sh4 architecture (for example on GI8120, Spark 7111, etc.)
2) The EPG data storage structure has been completely redesigned to automatically bind playlist channels by their name. Now everything works much faster and more precisely. This mode is enabled automatically if you specify the EPG source in the playlist card and is usually used for those playlists that do not have a predefined channel binding and EPG within the playlist itself
4) The output of various information about the plugin's operation in logging has been slightly changed
5) Fixed various little things reported by users

thanks Dorik1972




1) The #EXTVLCOPT directive parser has been fixed. My mistake, I forgot about it -)
2) Added regular expression of exceptions for auto-selection of EPG by channel name

thanks Dorik1972




1) Fixed display of "helpers" (descriptions) when switching settings items in playlist settings for DreamOS-based images
2) Typos and errors in RU localization have been fixed
3) Minor optimization of playlists settings menu code

thanks Dorik1972




1) The code responsible for setting playlist parameters has been completely rewritten.
2) The base ConfigSelection class has been redesigned. If your image supports displaying graphics in the selection options of the settings window, then you will display icons instead of phrases. This modification also works on any DreamOS-based images. For example, this functionality can be “evaluated” on OpenPli, OpenBH, Merlin, GP4, etc. images.
3) On DreamOS-based images, all settings windows now use the same font and style, just like on any OE 2.0 images

thanks Dorik1972




1) Changed the logic for getting channel icons from links from the playlist used. Now the type of link does not matter, as long as it is valid. When downloading an icon, its contents are analyzed and if it is a picture, it is saved as a PNG file. If the "Optimize channel picons on load" item is enabled in the playlist settings, then the file format of the "picture" received from the link can be almost any, it will be automatically converted to PNG. If this settings menu item is disabled, then the format of the files received via the link must be PNG only, otherwise, it will not be saved. This change allows you to easily receive channel icons, for example, for tvheadend playlist
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
2) Fixed a bug displaying the values of settings menu items for the ConfigBoolen class on some images (OpenPli4 etc.)

thanks Dorik1972




1) Fixed a crash when clicking OK in the menu for selecting playlist groups when they were missing
2) Now in the playlist settings, you can add archived playlist files. Supported formats - GZ, XZ, and ZIP. The logic behind this is very simple. Sometimes users send me playlists of incredible sizes (500,000+ entries) for testing, the size of such files is from 60 to 140 MB... In the archive, they take up no more than 2-9 MB. Unpacking and reading data from the archive occurs in a “stream” and has virtually no effect on the playlist’s parsing speed. But it saves a lot of storage space... especially if there are a lot of such playlists

thanks Dorik1972




1) Fixed an issue that some users encountered when specifying an m3u file and a link to an EPG
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
2) Minor optimization and universalization of the code

thanks Dorik1972




1) Fixed plugin skin files for full compatibility with Vti images
2) Minor changes in the files responsible for EPG import. Now on images based on Python 3.10 - 3.12, this process will happen much faster. On earlier versions of Python, there is also a performance gain, but it is not as noticeable in comparison with more recent versions of Python
3) Minor changes in log output

thanks Dorik1972




1) Small optimization of the regexp parser of #EXTINF directive data of the m3u playlist
2) Changes have been made to the log output when there is no key file
3) Added the ability to interrupt the process of receiving groups from the playlist when using bouquet customization in playlist settings ("red" or "exit" button during obtaining or processing the playlist) ... In this case, information about the interruption of this process by the user will be displayed in the log.

thanks Dorik1972




1) Added the ability to use "preset" filters for channels in playlist settings. Various combinations are available for you to use
This may be useful for users with older non-UHD receivers. to automatically exclude UHD channels when creating bouquets. The last filter I made for myself I, for example, do not watch SD versions of channels if they are in HD or UHD(4K) and this allows me to exclude SD channels if they have HD or UHD versions.
2) Minor code reorganization and optimization due to the changes made

thanks Dorik1972




1) Completely redesigned channel filtering logic. Now you can use both preset filters and set your regular expression of any complexity to filter out channels you don't need. You can create and test a regular expression, for example,


thanks Dorik1972




1) Added filter to remove duplicate channels in the channel filter settings menu
2) Updated Greek and Italian localizations
3) Added output of a total number of channels to the playlist parser log output. Now both the total number of channels in the processed playlist and the number of channels obtained with “filtering” taken into account are displayed

thanks Dorik1972




1) Небольшая оптимизация кода
2) В настройках плейлиста в разделе “Настройка букетов” - “Настройка каналов в букетах” добавлен фильтр для изменения типа проигрывателя. Замена возможна путем указания регулярных выражений либо для названий каналов, либо для ссылок на трансляции.

thanks Dorik1972




1) В настройке импорта EPG в настройках плейлиста добавлена возможность выбора предпочтительного языка для мультиязычных EPG (XMLTV)

Алгоритм попытается найти в используемых EPG описания программ и их названия на указанном вами языке, если их нет, то по умолчанию будут взяты данные EPG на английском языке, если их нет - будут использованы данные на первом из найденных языков

Ниже приведен скриншот того, как выглядят многоязычные EPG (XMLTV) в «реальной жизни». Это скриншот "контента" EPG одного из провайдеров IPTV

thanks Dorik1972




1) Переработан код парсера скинов плагина для лучшей совместимости с различными образами Enigma2 (OE2.0/2.2/2.5 и т.д.) от различных команд разработчиков
2) В настройках плагина добавлена возможность отслеживать “зависшие” потоки и их принудительный перезапуск.

Эта функция работает только с потоками для serviceref от userbouquets, которые были созданы этим плагином

thanks Dorik1972




1) Небольшая корректировка греческого языка
2) Добавлен пункт меню “Speedtest”, с помощью которого вы можете получить полную информацию о вашем интернет-соединении
Эта функция доступна только для изображений на основе Python3

thanks Dorik1972


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