The program can:
download defined channel lists,
upload oscam on a clean system, regardless of the platform,
update oscam without knowing what it is on,
in the configuration you can change the selected oscam between 4 editions Jej@n, Jej@n ICAM, samur, MOHAMED_OS
the ability to run scripts from the command line
throw out GS from time to time....
auxiliary tools have been created in the additional tools tab, which are constantly being expanded:
information about the currently used oscam,
backup oscam settings,
backup channel lists
make a picon copy,
restore data from a copy, but in the case of oscam, the current configuration location is checked first and restored there, so you can transfer your settings between different distributions.
upload current oscam.srvid2 (requires manual oscam restart to take effect)
upload current satellites.xml (requires manual oscam restart to take effect)
remove root password,
setting the need for a password when logging in to ftp (which is disabled by default in most distributions), also removes the root password,
changing the webif oscam port to 8888,
show permissions of local cards,
and many others
it speaks 3 languages PL/EN/DE but is gettext so pot file included
thank you zdzisław22, kalikamp for interesting ideas, some of which are already working
thanks to MasterPolo for the logo of the project ... and the list of channels
@ Jej@n for oscam.srvid2 which updates regularly and support with oscam
and chatting on the forum with a response time of up to 72 hours both ways :
bzyk83 from for the idea of handling lists
works on:
OpenPLi 7.3/8.1/8.3/9
OpenATV 6/7
OpenSPA 7.5/8 >
OpenHDF 6.5/7
PureE2 6.5
OpenDROID 7.1
Hyperion 8/9
EGAMI 10 >
OpenBlackHole 5.x
areadeltasat 10
OpenVision 12.x >
CobraLibero 8.3 >
VTi 15 requires (opkg install python-pkgutil )
to all list makers that are shared (although not with all
I was able to contact their authors personally to thank them)
lists can be updated manually
example bzyk_6
if no parameter is added, the sunfizz list will install by default
are currently defined as follows
autor lista
bzyk83_1 HotBird
bzyk83_2 HotBird/Astra
bzyk83_4 4 satelit
bzyk83_6 6 satelit
bzyk83_7 7 satelit
seto_1 HotBird
seto_2_ HotBird/Astra
fullkiller_2 HotBird/Astra
MasterPolo_2 HotBird/Astra
MasterPolo_8 8 satelit <-- kosmos jakiś
urkisat_2 HotBird/Astra
urkisat_1 HotBird
sunfizz_1 HotBird
sancho_1 HotBird
seto_1 HotBird
seto_2 HotBird/Astra
jaro_1 HotBird
sunfizz_1 HotBird
twarek_1 HotBird
kasztelan_2 HotBird/Astra
darlo_1 HotBirdJAKITAKI_1 i 2 HotBird/Astra