Скины Maxy FHD by MNASR

New Skin

Maxy FHD v1.0

Supported images :

1- OpenATV 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4.1 , 7.5
2- Egami 10.4 , 10.5
3- PurE2 7.3 , 7.4
4- OpenSPA 8.3

Depends :

oaweather , bitrate

Control :

From Maxy setup plugin , you can customise the skin and choose wanted screens , colors .
There are 14 colors .
The customised screens are :
Infobar ---> no posters , posterx posters , xtraevent posters and both posters .
Second infobar ---> no posters , posterx posters , xtraevent posters , both posters .
Channel selection ---> no posters , 1 poster , 5 posterx posters , 5 xtraevent posters , 5 both posters , 5 xtraevent backdrops .
Event view ---> no posters , 1 xtraevent poster , 6 posterx posters

Many thanks for madhouse , Lululla , KiddaC and digiteng

Maxy setup plugin support online updates , so next updates can be installed online ISA .




Maxy FHD v1.1

* add more screens options in Maxy setup plugin.
-- add weather to infobar ,you can choose " no weather , msnweather or oaweather "
-- for infobar and second infobar ,you can choose posters " posterx and xtraevents on and off options "
* add screens for weather plugins .
* add channel selection screen with minitv
* fix message box screen
* fix some overlap , please report any overlap to fix it .

Supported images :

1- OpenATV 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4.1 , 7.5
2- Egami 10.4 , 10.5
3- PurE2 7.3 , 7.4
4- OpenSPA 8.3


Maxy FHD 1.2

*add options for font " arial and greta "
*add more screens for channel selection
*fix message box
*fix lan and wlan icon on infobar
*fix some overlaps

supported images:

openatv 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4.1 , 7.5
egami 10.4 , 10.5 ,10.6
pure2 7.3 , 7.4
openspa 8.3

online update from within Maxy setup plugin is available



Maxy-FHD-PLI 1.0

Supported Images :

Openpli develop, Openpli python 3.12.4
OBH 5.3 , 5.4 , 5.4.1
OpenVix 6.4 , 6.5 , 6.6


Special thanks to madhouse , Lululla , kitte888 , digiteng , KiddaC


New Update

Maxy FHD v1.3

* обновлены средства визуализации posterx, спасибо Lululla
* добавлены дополнительные экраны для некоторых плагинов
* добавлен новый экран диспетчера устройств
* некоторые незначительные исправления
Поддержка имиджей
1- OpenATV 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4.1 , 7.5
2- Egami 10.4 , 10.5
3- PurE2 7.3 , 7.4
4- OpenSPA 8.3

Download from telnet
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

thanks odem2014
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